Monday, May 30, 2005

The sweetcorn that should never have been...


Today I did an exam. And it was manky. So I'm not going to write about it. It was, however, soon outmanked by another selection of pure ming from the R gyp room fridge archives! We think it used to be sweetcorn.....


Went and did a shop with Tom, and bought much randomnity including MORE sauce....we have so much sauce...we are like sauce twins!

Sorry...this is as uninteresting as a big uninteresting thing...I blame exams! Ooh...but as we were getting ready to go for exam, there was muchos thunder rumblage...leading to discussions on pathetic fallacy and the like....

That wasn't hugely interesting either....

I shall leave now.

Jenjen x

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Day of (possible) doom

I got woken up this morning by David asking me a grammar question about French past participle agreement. To which my response was something like "mnnnnuuurrrrghdoyouknowwhattimeitis?"

But now I feel bad. So I have dragged myself from my snuggly bed, and have decided to get AAAALL my procrastinating out of the way now, and then Bernard (my bootiful compooter) is going away for the day, as I actually need to work a lot, lest I fail everything and the world implodes in a ball of fire. (

Yesterday was cool. Tom's birthday pressie arrived (huzzah), so I went and hurled it at him in the morning (caught him as he was shaving and accidentally made him gouge a small but perfectly formed hole in his face. Oops.) He liked it, so my faith has been reaffirmed in the wonders of shopping on ebay!

Then I did some work, and remembered how much I don't like the subjunctive. Ooh yes, a hamper also arrived from my vati, with many nice edible things in it! Including posh cheese. In putting said cheese into the fridge, I managed to discover what it was that has been causing all of us to wrinkle our noses slightly on entering the gyp room recently. Lurking at the back was a bottle of milk....or at least what used to be milk. It was orange. It had bits in it. *Shudder*

Popped into town with Davidboy in the afternoon, which was nice, and then watched Dr Who, and played the kick ass Clare College board game that we've created in the evening.

Today is the day of grammar (in which Jen remembers what work ethics are.) But Fi is making us a beautiful lunch of fajitas, because she is lovely, and should be made queen of something.

Right. Off to work (joy...bliss)

Jenjen xx

Friday, May 27, 2005

very exciting!

Well....seeing as ye olde husbandface has such a wonderful blog thingummy ( , I thought I'd set one up too in order to compete!! Hahahaha. Also, this can now be added to my list of procrastination activities...


EXAMS START ON MONDAY!!! This fact has really only just hit me. And I'm not happy about it, nono....

However, I have just eaten a very big cookie (bought for me by the lovely David) which tends to take the edge off the stress.

This, I think, is a suitably rambly first post. I shall go away now.