Tuesday, August 30, 2005

dust off the cobwebs


so maaaaybe I forgot to post again. But in my defense I have been zooming about all over the place and doing lots. I went to Paris with Racheltheeversoslightlymad, and we spoke lots of French, and ambushed unfortunate civilians to ask them lots of irrelevant questions about life in Paris. We also shopped. A LOT.
Then I went to sunny Essexland to see David for a week which was looovely. He (somehow) convinced me to go cycling, which I haven't done for many a year and it wasn't actually too terrifying an experience, no small animals were harmed and I didn't break any part of my anatomy. Huzzah! Also went to V. Fab day, saw many people, including the La's, who played a bunch of crap and There She Goes (my favouritest song) I was very happy.
Had about 3 seconds at home and then went to Disneyland Paris with Vati and Frankie. Funnily enough spoke less French there.....twas muchly bon though, screamed my head off on several rolliecoasties and ate candyfloss! My Father also molested Minnie Mouse, but the less said about that the better.
Now I am home, and reading things of a medieval French variety, but only briefly, as then I am whizzing off to Vienna. Wuhaha!!!

I think that's about it.....oooooh yeah, except I have got college kiddies, and have written them a short, and loony letter about shoes and biscuits among other things.

Bye bye


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